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Tiffany Hunt Nielsen - Questionnaire 

Who was the rightful winner of the 2020 presidential election? (200 words)

The President.

Nationally, which do you believe is a larger problem: election fraud or voter suppression? (200 words)

I believe voter suppression in some parts of the country are more problematic. Fraud is a concern for many, but locally the integrity of our elections are maintained by following the laws, using trusted equipment and qualified public employees managing each aspect of the elections.

What do you see as the biggest challenges facing the recorder's office currently and what are your plans for addressing them? (200 words)

The Recorder's Office has recently upgraded our equipment and released our Indexes to our website, which is fantastic for folks looking for a copy of their deed recorded since 1999, or other public records. We have also just started E-recording, which increases the efficiency of the office, leaving more time to help the public. Customer or Public service is the main issue in the Recorder's Office I would like addressed. We are here to serve and so we shall.

Now, a brief questionnaire to help voters get to know you a bit better:

Age? 44

City of residence? Eureka

Where did you grow up? On a cattle ranch in Kneeland

How long have you lived in Humboldt County? My whole life, except during college.

Can you please provide a brief education history? I attended the University of Alaska, Fairbanks aimed at getting my Civil Engineering Degree. One of my favorite classes was the Land Surveying class. I moved back to our family Ranch to help my father after my sophomore year, which was the right move for me, as he passed away 9 months later in an accident. I furthered my education by getting my Surveying Certificate, where I still use some of those skills in my current career.

Can you please provide a brief work history? After earning my Survey Certificate, I landed a job as a Survey Tech at an Engineering firm. I worked there for a couple years, and when the owner retired, the business closed. So I found an indoor job at Humboldt Land Title Co., where I spent 17 years working my way up to become a Title Officer. Other job titles I held there included Title Searcher, Marketer, & Operations Assistant — where I got to train new employees, assist with HR and work very long hours. When the assets of the employee-owned Title Company sold to a corporation, I decided that a career shift was in order. I transitioned to the Humboldt County Recorder's Office rather swiftly and quickly became a Senior Recordable Document Examiner. Where I once researched and created documents to record, now I get to record them.

What is your current occupation? Senior Recordable Document Examiner

What do you consider the three most important endorsements you have received to date in your campaign? The most important endorsements I have received are from groups supporting my campaign. The California Land Surveyors Association Humboldt along with many local surveyors individually. The local Real Estate professionals have been very generous with their contributions as well. Pierson Company businesses have also shown generous support.

Now, a few questions to give voters a taste of your personality:

What is your favorite movie? I am a fan of the Marvel Movies.

What is your favorite book? Anything by local author J Lynn Bailey.

What magazine do you read most regularly?

If your campaign had a theme song, what would it be? Not a song, but I often think about Dory, "Just keep swimming."

Who is your favorite fictional government employee? Agent Peggy Carter

Who is your favorite real-life government employee? Abraham Lincoln

Dogs or cats? All four-legged furry friends

What is your favorite hobby? Kayaking

What would your superpower be and how would you use it? Help children feel safe.

If you could sum up your candidacy in a single haiku, what would it be?
Ask them for funding
Be everywhere keep smiling
Show them all I can

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