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Gemini Nights 

Who needs an intro in these short, wet and cold days? By the time I get started the sun will have come and gone and we will all be mocked heartily by the massive frozen charioteers who pull the night across the sky at the bored whim of the gods. (Note: I have never actually taken an astronomy course and I apologize for my childlike understanding of the cosmos.)

Anyway, get out and do it. These are long nights and we must own them occasionally lest they pummel us into submission every night with the promise of a lazy early bed.



March and the Months gets the band together again as young ingenue March Adstrum takes a vacation break from college to kick out the jams in her hometown with friends and family at the Arcata Playhouse tonight at 8 p.m. ($5-$20 sliding scale). Expect covers and originals all woven together with the fine glossy threads of vintage glam and psychedelia.

Over in Eureka at the same hour, you can catch the Latin rock 'n' roll champs of East L.A. for four decades running when Los Lobos takes the stage at the Arkley Center for the Performing Arts. It's unlikely that I will cough up the needed skrill to see Mr. David Hidalgo and company jam in The Neighborhood with my winter budget being what it is, but I suggest that you do so if you can float the $66 ticket because these chaps aren't getting any younger and they remain one of the last true organic roots bands in our troubled nation. As for me, I've got a VHS copy of La Bamba at home I've been meaning to watch so I'll be all right.


Multi-instrumentalists and identical twins Adam and David Moss hail from Brooklyn by way of Peoria, Illinois. Together they make up The Brother Brothers and play a noir style of folk and bluegrass that draws on the twilit chapters of the Great American Songbook. The music is tight and technically advanced, but it's the feeling, that beautiful plangent feeling, that makes these brothers so special. Come see what I am talking about at The Old Steeple tonight at 7:30 p.m. ($25). Catch the twins on stage and then, weather permitting, allow yourself a peek at the Gemini constellation of Castor and Pollux on the drive home because this is a great time to do so.


I am old fashioned in my wrestling tastes, having formed and left all of my aesthetics back in the late 1980s when I was a very small child and therefore at the peak of my development as far as appreciation of the sport goes. Hulk Hogan ruled over a menagerie filled with the likes of Jake the Snake, Ric Flair, Andre the Giant and the Iron Sheik, while Jesse "The Body" Ventura was a B-lister at best and much better remembered as a color commentator. Suffice it to say, the seeds are planted deep for wrestling fanboy-dom but have thus far yielded no grain. Perhaps that will change for me tonight when Oakland-based wrestling troupe Hoodslam takes over the Eureka Municipal Auditorium at 8 p.m. The unorthodox and free-wheeling wildmen will shake, rattle and roll the turnbuckles in a tailor-made Humboldt production with Savage Henry called Emerald Triangula. Broseph Joe Brody presides over the night with live music provided by the Hoodslam Band at 8 p.m. (21+, $20).


Eteraz is a relentless and brilliant hardcore act from Olympia and Seattle up in the northernmost state in our Pacific Northwest triad. With an expansive d-beat and reverb sound and lyrics in English and Farsi, there is nothing but a new and glorious mutant in this band. RampArt is the host tonight at 8 p.m. and local support will be provided by Dead Drift, Grumpus and Grimweepers. At $5 this show is an absolute steal.


The Outer Space has a good one going on tonight at 7 p.m. when Sarchasm makes the drive up from the Bay Area to bang the gong in the temple of alt-punk (sliding scale $6-20). Daniel. (yes, with a period at the end that forces Google docs to capitalize the next word and I am sure the preciousness is worth the annoyance but if they did it on purpose to troll then bravo, actually) provides a local taste of contemporary folk, while Blood Hunny does what it does best, namely playing a fine set.


Tristan Norton tunes up the guitars over at Phatsy Kline's tonight at 8 p.m. to deliver a free set of carefully chosen pieces by the fine likes of John Fahey, John Coltrane, Hank Williams, Blind Willie Johnson and more.

If playing older music is more your taste, hit up the Logger Bar at the same hour for the Old Time Music Jam, which so happens to be another free joint.


Hey, maybe strap this on for size: Richards' Goat has a trivia night at 8 p.m. that I have been hearing quite a lot of good things about from my more competitive friends on the specialized information circuit. It's only a two-drink minimum and every sitcom memory I have suggests that trivia nights are full of fun and unruly diversion. I once helmed a team in the fifth grade called The Impalers after my then-recent infatuation with Vlad Dracula. Anyway, grab some sharp friends and test your mettle.

Full show listings in the Journal's Music and More grid, the Calendar and online. Bands and promoters, send your gig info, preferably with a high-res photo or two, to [email protected].

Collin Yeo thinks that calling the president a "motherfucker" should be the bare minimum requirement for any opposition political figure's legitimacy and he dismisses any reactionary pearl-clutching with absolute mocking scorn. Viva Rashida Tlaib. He lives in Arcata.

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Collin Yeo

Collin Yeo

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