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Estelle Fennell should definitely be re-elected to the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors.

There's no question about it: Democrat Estelle Fennell is a dedicated public servant who deserves our support. Estelle is compassionate, intelligent, serious and committed to working with and working for all members of our community.

I wish I could say the same about her opponent Bud Rogers, but Rogers is not a serious candidate. Rogers has relatively few relevant ideas, most of which are either unrealistic and/or undesirable.

For instance, Bud Rogers wants county residents to agree to pay higher taxes for the purpose of creating a county bank, which is entirely unnecessary.

Furthermore, Rogers hosts a local radio show which is solely devoted to promulgating his personal convoluted conspiracy theory.

Rogers alleges the federal government purposefully caused the multi-year California drought by the means of nefarious aerial spraying. We really want someone is paranoid and delusional as Bud Rogers representing the people of Humboldt County? Do your community a favor — vote for Estelle Fennell. She's the best person for the job.

Jake Pickering, Eureka

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