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Some Other Isom 


Regarding the recent letter titled "Thanks NCJ, Sorry Isom," (Mailbox, April 4) I would like to state for the record that I, John Isom, currently living in Eureka and previously in Petrolia, have nothing to do with this matter. At all.

I have no dealings of any kind with anything called Isom Advisors in Walnut Creek or anywhere in California, nor anything to do with anything called Urban Futures.

Geez, I didn't even know that there is another John (or Jon) Isom in Humboldt, Walnut Creek, or anywhere else in California (though it is true that my eponymous and namesake uncle lives in Portland).

Regardless: The H in my name may be silent -- and thus confused with Jon T. Isom -- but my convictions about funding for quality education, as a teacher and as a citizen, are not. Borrowing for basics means there's a deeper problem, in our community and across the country.

Put differently: We've borrowed for a decade of overseas wars and bombs. How about a generation of investment in books and teachers in our own backyard?

John E. Isom, Eureka, CA

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