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Probing Probation 


Thadeus Greenson has written a well-organized, informative, and essential masterpiece ("Unsealed," April 10). Now, please follow up on what we are going to do about it.

The needs for rehab programs, closer supervision of probationers and parolees, mental health services, family support, and early intervention for troubled youth are obvious. We can demand that our elected and appointed officials fund and facilitate development and expansion of these and other "community corrections" programs. We must also insist that the public (you, me, all of us) step up with our support. We cannot afford a failure to fund and staff these essential community services.

Chip Sharpe, Bayside


Thank you for your story on the probation process.

I have had the opportunity of interacting with and observing the criminal justice system in New York, Washington, D.C., Ann Arbor, Mich., and now in Humboldt County.

We are extremely lucky to have such a compassionate, knowledgeable and skilled chief probation officer. Please continue to publish Bill Damiano's perspectives.

Susan McGee, Eureka

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