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Let it Flow 


It is evident there is little concern for salmon, water, sport, commercial and tribal fishing interest, the health of Klamath river, and our beleaguered local economies, when agribusiness is concerned ("Farmers Sue Over Trinity Flows," Aug. 15). It is clear to me that on this issue all is being sacrificed in the interest of money and the politics it can buy.

The temporary restraining order for a process that has gone on for 60 years, which had established the primacy of Native American and the Trinity fishery water rights, smells like desperation. A desperate attempt to get around laws and agreements by any political and legal gamesmanship that can be mustered. It would be most unfortunate if the only way to stop future fish kills and the eventual death of the Klamath River entailed a determined civil disobedience effort.

But before that happens, the Hoopa Valley Tribe and Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations should be supported by our community and its elected representatives local, state and national. If not, they should be hounded until they come around. We must by now all acknowledge the fact that if the river is not restored, salmon will be threatened with no hope. Our interests public, tribal and private on this matter will be jeopardized further. This is an issue of survival on many levels for all concerned here in the northwest corner of California. We must demand justice in time for the river, the salmon and us.

— Charles K. Bettiga, Loleta

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