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'We've Got Your Back(side)' 


I was happy to take the two minutes required to fulfill Renshin Bruce's request (Mailbox, Feb. 1) and I contacted CalTrans District 1 asking them to please install a port-a-potty at Herrick Avenue Park and Ride in Eureka.

The suggestion that CalTrans is too short of funds for this modest cost when they are more than willing to spend the tens of millions it would cost to widen Richardson Grove, is an affront to all of us, not just "... ladies who shouldn't have to crouch under the bridge" to pee.

You can join me by sending an email: [email protected], phone: (707) 445-6000 or letter to: CalTrans District 1, PO Box 3700, Eureka, CA 95502.

Renshin, we've got your back(side).

Richard Salzman, Arcata

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