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I have observed Frankie Myers, candidate for state Assembly, as an emerging leader for over 20 years. He and his team then challenged Scottish Power, owner of the Klamath dams, in Edinburgh. His team collaborated successfully with many irrigators, old adversaries, toward each group's self-interest. The dams, in one of the great environmental moments in our nation's history, are coming down. 

Frankie Myers, as vice chair of the Yurok Tribe and as a community leader, has fought wildfires by reintroducing preventative burns. He has worked to create hundreds of jobs. He has worked with law enforcement to expand protection for women. He always works collaboratively, in teams, and across traditional lines.

Frankie is here for the long term. He is brilliant, committed and a big spirit from big hearted people.

Please join me in voting for Frankie Myers.

Peter Pennekamp, Eureka

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