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I met Judge Kreis in 2010, when I worked as a DDA and he a deputy public defender. We litigated cases against each other for years. Without exception, I found Judge Kreis to be an outstanding advocate and a person of high integrity. 

Following Judge Kreis' appointment to the bench, I practiced before him in my current position as a deputy public defender. I've had clients sent to prison by Judge Kreis but also experienced a kind and sympathetic jurist who understands that not every defendant's circumstances are the same. Never did I leave Judge Kreis' courtroom feeling as though my client was treated unfairly, even if I disagreed with an outcome.

An HSU graduate and longtime resident, Judge Kreis is a knowledgeable and fair jurist. I encourage folks to join my family in supporting Judge Kreis' reelection to the Humboldt County Superior Court.

Ben McLaughlin, McKinleyville


I enthusiastically endorse Judge Greg Kreis for reelection to the Humboldt County Superior Court. I've known him since he was a student working his way through college as a cook and even doing a stint on a crabbing vessel in Alaska to make ends meet. He's among the few people that I categorize as a "stellar human" because of his compassion and genuine concern for people. From hard working student to dedicated professional, his empathy and joyous spirit still define him.

Experienced in tribal, civil, criminal and family law, he understands the complexities of the legal system and the diverse needs of people who come before the court.

His proven track record, and bipartisan support from legal professionals, elected officials, law enforcement and citizens who know him, is impressive. I encourage voters to support Judge Greg Kreis for reelection.

Eileen McGee, Eureka


I initially supported Representative Jared Huffman because of his environmental credentials, but his judgment disappoints. His support for an industrial port in Humboldt Bay is one example. This project represents a boon for corporate interests, while designating Humboldt Bay as a sacrifice zone. We need to emphasize decentralized systems rather than new industrial mega projects. 

During COVID, Huffman championed policies that, predictably, harmed our community, eviscerated human rights and facilitated the largest transfer of wealth in history, from us to the wealthiest. Our government unleashed coercion, propaganda and censorship. Huffman appears to lack the integrity needed to acknowledge and investigate the damage done. 

When you add in his support for the military-industrial complex, his merits fall further. Please join me in rejecting Huffman's candidacy by voting for anyone else. He does not deserve our support.

Amy Gustin, Ettersburg


Where is supervisor candidate Gordon Clatworthy? He's missed the last three public interviews and hasn't been seen at public events. He's applying for the job as First District supervisor, but lately he's been a "no call, no show." Is this what we should expect from him if he were to be elected? Meanwhile, Supervisor Rex Bohn is still one of the hardest working men in Humboldt. I see his truck at the courthouse at all hours and days of the week, he's going back and forth to Sacramento, doing auctions, and filling sandbags to defend against flooding. It's clear where the dedication lies in our district. 

Ryan Brandt, Eureka


I'm writing this letter for lovers of Humboldt, environmentalists and supporters of local businesses to join me in opposing Measure A.

On first read, it looks great. Helping small farms and our fisheries? Absolutely! Instead, it (1) reiterates existing environmental rules already enforced by over a dozen local/state agencies, (2) mandates cultivation caps in the name of "helping small farmers" (while doing the opposite), (3) evades public process, (4) prevents existing farms from adding improvements (e.g., solar/water storage) and (5) does not stop environmentally destructive illegal grows.

Measure A is a counterproductive, redundant and misplaced attempt at fixing the problems of the past. The local chambers of commerce, the sheriff, the cities of Arcata/Eureka, the county of Humboldt and many more all oppose this measure for a reason.

This measure will not help our planet, our local businesses, our farmers, our residents or anyone else. Vote no on Measure A.

Natalia Nelson, Arcata


Measure A will put needed sideboards on the sprawl and ecological impacts of cannabis cultivation. The county has approved massive grows in sensitive habitats and right up against neighbors. Humboldt cannabis growers have contributed to a saturated state cannabis market and crashing wholesale prices. In doing so, many growers (though certainly not all) have damaged spawning habitat; filled dark skies with grow-lights run on diesel generators; cut roads and dumped sediment into streams; imported heavy truckloads of soil, plastics; and workers into distant wildlands on narrow county roads; and cleared forests — all approved by county officials.

Measure A is designed to ameliorate these preventable impacts while rewarding the many local growers who respect neighbors and the native environment.

Vote yes on Measure A.

Greg King, Arcata

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