North Coast Journal


Jan 25, 2024 1:00 AM


Mike Wilson is a diligent public servant for Humboldt County, working to improve daily life for the whole community and preserving our natural resources. Mike has been a leader in protecting Humboldt Bay. He didn't shy away from taking bold action to prevent impending environmental disaster at the former Samoa Pulp Mill, which has now become an economic engine for the community. He has also been a consistent voice for the most vulnerable citizens while balancing the need for economic development. As an avid cyclist, I particularly value Mike's advocacy for Humboldt's trail network and safer roads. I also appreciate his openness to his constituents and discussion on important issues. Mike Wilson has the experience and drive to help move Humboldt toward productive and sustainable growth, which will have cascading benefits for our region. Please join me in re-electing Mike Wilson as our Third District Supervisor.

Stephen Kullmann, Blue Lake


I'm voting for Measure A, the Humboldt Cannabis Reform Initiative. I support environmentally responsible cannabis cultivation in our county that ensures a healthier ecosystem for all wildlife and humans.

Humboldt County has a long history of extracting resources, such as gold, timber and water, that has damaged our ecosystem. We are beginning to learn the importance of being in balance with nature, to be regenerative; instead of just taking from the environment for our own benefit.

I am in favor of transitioning back to our original small-scale cannabis grows, where farmers have a personal relationship with the land and its inhabitants. I think we must halt the expansion of industrial mega grows, especially those that are absentee-owned. Therefore, I support caps on total acreage and future permits for cannabis grows.

Thank you for joining me in voting yes on Measure A.

Kate McClain, McKinleyville


Please vote yes on Measure A.

When our county drafted its cannabis ordinance for legal cultivation, they didn't follow the model of the prior 40 years. The earlier successful model was small, live-in cultivation sites, mostly organic and water wise. The growers' crops were highly desirable, making a name for Humboldt product. This kept the demand high and the price as well.

The county's ordinance, though a good start, failed to consider many issues raised by the residents. It allowed very large grows by people who had no relationship with the watersheds or the old roads. Consequently, the growers aren't making the kind of profit they would like and the neighbors don't like the drying creek beds, the increased traffic and noise and the dangers to our beloved wildlife.

Vote yes on Measure A. The majority of us want sane and safe cannabis cultivation.

Meighan O'Brien, McKinleyville


Vote yes on Measure A. Measure A addresses large-scale cannabis cultivation to curb its impact on our lands, waters, wildlife and residents. Measure A does not increase taxes. It would support small-scale, high-quality cannabis cultivation by our local growers.

Measure A would reduce impacts of cannabis growing on water by prohibiting reliance on streams. Enough water must be stored for cultivation needs or the crop size must be reduced.

I believe we all want a clean, healthy environment and Measure A would help ensure this.

Voting against this sensible and important measure would be like giving our lands and waters away to the highest bidder and getting nothing in return. Let's take care of our county, our people, our streams, rivers, forests and wildlife by voting yes on Measure A.

Julie Jonte, McKinleyville


Just as it was inappropriate for land speculators to make major decisions for the planning department, so is it wrong for supervisors with ties to mega grows to decide how the marijuana industry is regulated. Measure A will let the Humboldt community at large decide what's best for our struggling economy, our water resources and our rural quality of life. Vote yes on Measure A.

Howard Russell, Eureka