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"The Golden Rule" 


I have been thinking about words and meanings and mentionings lately. We have an interesting habit in our world of using quite harsh and derogatory words in quick and clever and glib and mean ways. I could go through the alphabet and find a derogatory word that begins with each letter. You can, too. Yet just because we know a derogatory word, it does not mean we ought to use it toward one another (Mailbox, Jan. 20). Let's step out of the mudslinging and the one-upsmanship in our communication, please.

One of my terrific teachers who taught me about writing and speaking recommends that one look in the mirror and read aloud, or say out loud, something they want to say to someone else. Hearing it with your own ears and seeing yourself say it with your own eyes makes a difference. Are you talking to me? Remember the Golden Rule. Thanks for reading this out loud or not.

Joanne McGarry, Arcata

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