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'Thanks to Rehab' 


As a former patient of St. Joseph's Acute Rehab Unit, I recommend that Providence keep this much needed facility open (NCJ Daily, Sept. 12).

The illogic of Providence's proposal to close the unit was reported in Thadeus Greenson's Sept. 10 article: "'Providence just successfully lobbied to buy more time to meet seismic standards, only to now claim that it has no choice other than to close medical services that Humboldt County residents have depended on for decades.'"

Outsourcing rehabilitation services to Brius, which has long been known for shoddy care, neglect of patients and fleecing taxpayers' Medicare dollars for services never delivered, is not a responsible option.

I was admitted to rehab in 2021 after hip and knee fractures. It was an intense experience that paid off. At age 74, I had to learn to walk again and take care of my basic needs. Everyone in the unit, doctor, nurses, aides, therapists, social workers, were positive, kind, encouraging and worked hard to support me.

My first efforts to stand up were unsuccessful. I was advised, "If you can't stand and walk, and use the bathroom on your own by the end of this two-week session, you'll need to go to a nursing home." Brius' dismal reputation gave me a powerful incentive to recover.

Daily physical therapy sessions tested my limits, pushed beyond, and built up my stamina. Therapists advised me and my family what home modifications I would need, medical equipment, where to get it and how to use it.

Equally important was care after discharge. Therapists and nurses came to my home to provide follow-up. Thanks to Rehab, I am again independent, and contributing to the economy and the culture.

Providence may prioritize its CEOs' profits, but we who live here and care about quality of life need rehab services that actually work.

Fran Ransley, Eureka

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