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'Thank You' 


Thank you for this, Brielle (Mailbox, Jan. 26). I am currently homeless in Arcata, and I feel you feeling our pain. Homelessness is a crisis, sometimes for the homeless, but more often than not homelessness is a crisis for the homed.

The most dire need is found in the tendency for homelessness to be a dumping ground for the mentally ill too peaceful to be put in jail. Back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, mental illness became a crime rather than a health and wellness issue. Mental institutions were closed, and those who didn't end up in jail, ended up on the streets. Most, if not all, are unique in their personal expression and backstory, but few are ever a threat, even to themselves. In my experience they either don't know they're mentally ill, or they do and don't hide it and openly cope with it.

The homeless are a community, and openness is part of it, like blue is to sky. We do tend to respect private spots, but few things are hidden among us, and this results in a more mature, personalized approach to any given situation. We see the same handful of people coalescing around the same areas with generally repetitive intents, day in and day out. We have few, if any, places to run and hide on a bad day, and our mental and emotional states are broadcast for all to see, and help, and learn from.

I am planning to speak to the Arcata City Council at the upcoming meeting. I will be addressing my experiences and highlighting comments and concerns I have heard. I also plan to read your letter to the editor, so thank you again for providing the perfect personal touch to my logical approach.

Ryan Greenwood, Arcata

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