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Still Working Toward a Solution 


J.A. Savage's article ("Geopolitics Undermine Energy Authority's Solar Project," posted May 1) accurately portrayed some of the challenges Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA) and other electricity suppliers currently face in meeting our renewable energy goals. As has been widely reported, the U.S. Department of Commerce's ongoing investigation of alleged circumvention of tariffs imposed on solar panels imported from China is temporarily having a major chilling effect on development of new solar projects in the U.S.

The 100-megawatt Sandrini solar project being developed in Kern County to provide clean power for RCEA's Humboldt County customers may be delayed and/or see cost increases due to uncertainty around the tariff, along with the inflation and supply chain constraints that are playing out globally. However, contrary to the Journal's narrative, RCEA's contract with the developer of the solar project has not been "nullified" and the project has not been "derailed." RCEA is in negotiations with the developer to find a solution that will allow the project to proceed with schedule and price terms that work for RCEA and our energy customers.

 Richard Engel, Arcata

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