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Re: 'Traditional Family Values' 


What a vile letter that was in "Traditional Family Values" (Mailbox, Jan. 26). I had always assumed that the "Victorian" in the Victorian Village of Ferndale was referring to its architecture. Apparently, I was wrong. Although I personally do not believe in a god, God bless the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. What a class act.

Charles Davy, Bayside


Honestly, I don't know whether to cry or laugh at Christina Chapman's letter concerning the canceled LGBTQ event in Ferndale (Mailbox, Jan. 26). I am amused at the images her letter repeatedly invokes of inanimate objects "trying" to do things. But more importantly, she seems not to understand that morality is subjective. I have absolutely no doubt that Ms. Chapman, who obviously considers herself moral, does things I consider immoral. And she has every right to, as long as they're legal, whether she's in Ferndale, Arcata or San Francisco. If we all operated on the same set of morals, we wouldn't need laws.

No doubt Ms. Chapman believes that God's laws — or at least her interpretations of them — are universal. Of course, from an atheistic perspective, "God's laws" are nothing more than codes of conduct created by various groups of men long ago to control other people. She seems to forget that our country, despite being founded by people who called themselves Christians (though many of them owned slaves and wanted the Indigenous people removed) had the wisdom to guarantee its citizens freedom from that particular code of conduct — even in Ferndale.

Every culture, time and individual has its/his own unique set of morals. It's completely unreasonable to expect everyone else to share yours. All we can reasonably ask of people is not to do things they know are wrong. I would say that denying people the right to be who and what they were born to be is wrong. Perhaps if they were granted that right and treated as equals, they wouldn't feel the need to fight for them in ways that so threaten Ms. Chapman and her ilk.

If God existed, I would thank Him/Her/It/Them for not putting Ms. Chapman into my family.

Ken Burton, McKinleyville


Wow! Just wow! I have always loved the Victorian village of Ferndale, it's a mandated visit for all my out-of-town guests. However, after reading the Jan. 26 letter to the editor from Christina Chapman, I will never see that town the same way again.

She has painted the entire village with her divisive paintbrush, pitting it against our fellow community of Arcata and the beloved city of San Francisco. I know of Ferndale residents who don't think as she does, and yet she feels entitled enough to speak for everyone who lives there with her use of absolutes and judgmental bias toward anyone who doesn't measure up to her standards.

As a proud "woke" person (aka, empathetic and accepting) I was appalled with her self-righteous attitudes. Do hope other Ferndale residents will step up and return the town's image to more of a Humboldt color.

Sylvia Tucker, Eureka


Since I cannot know if Ferndale pastor Bramwell's jihad against the LGBTQ+ community is simply trolling for cheap publicity or genuine religious fervor (NCJ Daily, Jan. 19), I would never pretend to know what is in his mind, unlike the letter published in your Jan. 26 issue, which claims to know what's in the minds of all the residents of Ferndale. Equal parts Leave it to Beaver and The Twilight Zone the dynamic between the Cleavers and the Serlings of Ferndale is what makes it such a unique place to live, work and visit.

I would suggest that the community's lack of support for the pastor is not so much being cowed into silence, as suggested, but is either a genuine disagreement or complete lack of interest with this particular campaign. That the church represents a tiny fraction of this tiny town hardly makes the case that there is a vast well of support that is being unheard, more probably that silence is precisely what should be heard. In the future, please don't pretend to speak for me or pretend that my opinions are yours. Besides, unless they are handling snakes, Pastor Bramwell's church can't possibly be the One True Religion.

Peter Molitor, Ferndale


In response to the "traditional family values" letter from Jan. 26, it could be said that some of us are sick of so-called Christians placing their narrow judgments on what is "moral" for the rest of us. Last I knew, to be Christian is to be caring and kind to others, not to stir up hate and resentments toward others.

These days, the religious right has also condoned white supremacy and antisemitism, as well as anti-LGBTQ hate, and some churches use the cover of their religion to further divide us. Instilling fear of those who are different is one more step toward hate crimes against others. I would not accuse any of the good people of Ferndale of these acts, and I hope and pray they consider acting as Christian as they espouse to be in order to help us all remember to respect our differences, which is what can encourage all our towns being ones we want to live in.

Martha Johnson, Eureka


This recent drama about kids and drag shows isn't really about religion or drag at all. It's about people who want to control how others raise their children. How dare these people try to control what activities parents can attend with their children?

Children are exposed to all kinds of content in movies, television, video games and other activities. I trust parents to decide what is appropriate for their own children. It doesn't matter to me what your personal feelings may be about drag. The ridiculous concerns about children being "groomed" at drag shows is completely fabricated. Parents who choose to take their kids to a drag show or any other event will leave if they find the content inappropriate.

Are parents out there really on board with others dictating where you can or cannot take your kids?

Ed Reagan, Eureka


I feel compelled to disagree with the Ferndale resident who equates expressing hatred with "moral behavior." And I commend the Board of Supervisors for approving an anti-hate resolution as a first step toward addressing acts of bigotry targeting persons of color and 2SLGBTQIA+ in our community. If Supervisor Bohn, or another supervisor, wishes to offer up genuine, humane solutions to poverty and houselessness, that would be welcomed. 

But it is crucial there be a precise focus on anti-hate. Bohn's suggestion that it's only homeless persons who are "actually dying from us not doing anything" is flat wrong. Besides, I have no doubt that a disproportionate percentage of those experiencing houselessness are persons of color and 2SLGBTQIA+. 

Given his history, Bohn's whataboutism comes across as a deflection meant to maintain the status quo, while feigning concern for one segment of the population, so as to minimize concern for another. We need solidarity and solutions, not dilutions. 

Garrett Snedaker, Eureka


Ferndale is a great little town, and diversity in the community contributes immensely to that greatness. Where else can you have a dairy farmer discussing philosophy with their college professor neighbor, a Jewish family inviting their Muslim, Christian and secular friends over to observe both Hanukkah and Christmas at the same time, and laugh at the healthy humor of the Foggy Bottom Boys. In this sense, all of these people hold traditional family values — that of the importance of all families, respecting other people, and acceptance of other people thoughts and beliefs, even if you don't agree with them.

I disagree with a recent letter ("Traditional Family Values," Jan. 26). The author prefers to feel that Ferndale is a homogeneous community, dominated by "one size fits all," and that other people who don't fit her definition are a "freak show" fueled by a "woke movement." The letter contained a clear undercurrent of anger, disrespect and intolerance. Are these her "traditional family values?"

Ron Goode, McKinleyville

Write a Letter!

Please make your letter no more than 300 words and include your full name, place of residence and phone number (we won't print your number). Send it to [email protected]. The deadline to have a letter considered for the upcoming edition is 10 a.m. Monday.

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