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Looking the Other Way? 


I read with great interest "Port of Entry," the excellent article by Elaine Weinreb about the proposed offshore wind farm. At one point, the article says that the Harbor District has signed an "exclusive right to negotiate agreement" with Crowley Maritime Co., which builds and manages ports.

Thinking that I had recently seen some negative news about Crowley, I googled "Crowley Maritime lawsuits," and this is what I found: "Sex Trafficking, Forced Labor Lawsuit Against Crowley Will Move Forward" (Jan. 10,, "Crowley Maritime Faces Fresh Legal Claim Over Office 'Sexual Predator'" (April 5, The article says lawyers representing the women assert that the Crowley manager waged a "campaign of sexual intimidation and assaults that his U.S.-based bosses covered up despite being warned of his behavior."

Surely this is not the type of company culture and workplace environment we want to bring to Humboldt County. Is the Harbor District going to look the other way, too?

Kathryn Tarbell, Ferndale

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