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Just Flip It 


I read that Security National Properties Holding Company, LLC (SNPH), has donated over $1 million into the "Yes on F" campaign and Eureka residents have now received two fliers from SNPH addressing the issue of alleged cheaters.

Although these fliers overtly address the cheaters, their purpose is clearly also to encourage more individuals to vote yes on Measure F.

Likely, the "No on F" campaign has far fewer dollars to support its cause, so I have a suggestion on how you can show your support for the "No" cause at no cost to you or them.

Take the second yellow mailer and place it in your front window upside down with the "cheaters" side facing out. This can serve as a signal to passersby that you support a "No" vote while avoiding the risk of sign defacement or theft.

I should add, I am not associated with the no campaign.

Sherman Schapiro, Eureka

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