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Great Job? 


I am writing in response to the advertisement placed on page 4 of the June 6 edition stating that "Cal Poly Humboldt President Tom Jackson is doing a great job."

Really? I hope the NCJ netted a few dollars from this ad at least. I totally respect our right to speech. But ... .

Who is this person that was silent when students voiced their opinions?

Who is this person that has no voice in our community?

I'm a bit flummoxed to see the signatories of this letter from outside districts. What do you hope to accomplish? I'm watching another school get demolished in Gaza, yet you all wish to shower praise on an absentee university president. Who are you? Why can't we all gather for peace rather than pour more gas on the dry grass out our back doors.

Sam A. Flanagan, Bayside


It's hard to believe that 153 individuals, let alone Cal Poly Humboldt alumni, are capable of such egregious factual and mathematical errors claiming, "... less than 100 students disrupted the education of more than 5,000 students!" (The "Cal Poly Humboldt President Tom Jackson is doing a great job" ad on page 4 of the June 6 NCJ.)

In fact, it was Mr. Jackson who closed the campus and it was the student protesters at CPH and abroad educating hundreds of millions by finally breaking self-censorship of university investments in U.S. weapon's manufactures and Israeli industries profiteering from the apartheid and genocide of Palestinian civilians, still killing children since last October, totaling more than 15,000.

It is not too much to demand CPH President and military veteran Tom Jackson to first exhaust diplomatic engagement with his "campus community" prior to a costly campus closure and authoritarian call for a costly multi-agency paramilitary response to minor property damage.

Offering to review investments and disassociate CPH from companies and governments actively involved in facilitating the Palestinian genocide would have enabled a voluntary end to students' protest.

George Clark, Eureka

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