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'Got to Go' 


"Hey hey, ho ho, Tom Jackson's got to go!"

Richard Salzman, Arcata


I agree with some of Dennis Scales' sentiments regarding Tom Jackson's ineptitude (Mailbox, May 9). But to say "the quad has an unpronounceable name" is both ignorant and offensive. Just because you haven›t learned how to pronounce it doesn›t mean it›s unpronounceable.

"Gutswurrak" is in Soulatluk, the language of the Wiyot people. As reported in the NCJ in November of 2021, it's pronounced "guts-wuh-dock" and it means "many people gather." It makes me happy to hear it pronounced — which I do often.

Maggie McKnight, Arcata


Thank you Thadeus Greenson for the ongoing coverage of Cal Poly Humboldt Gaza protests.

I'm grateful to the students, faculty and staff for their actions of conscience. I'm supportive. 

They're being accused of $1 million in damage, when police went in with chainsaws to arrest them.

My thought to Luta Belcher (Mailbox, May 9) is that Israel established it's country in 1948 in the ancestral lands of Palestinians and yet refuses to allow them to exist, and is wiping them out.

Why is there this shift toward authoritarianism and who in their right mind would send authoritarian administrators to run a university in Arcata? I agree they need to go.

Leafy Briggs, Ferndale

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