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'Getting Worse' 


Regarding your article, "Static at KHSU," (Aug. 30), I find it ironic that Craig Wruck, one of the HSU administrators who signed off on the precipitous firing of long-time employee, Katie Whiteside, is calling for a KHSU Strategic Plan. Now don't get me wrong, I'm in favor of developing a Strategic Plan. I'm just saying, this from a man who did not have, or ask for, a replacement and transition plan before firing a key employee. This from a man who says the on-going visioning and planning process will be transparent and inclusive, yet just unilaterally decided that all late-night, live broadcasts are to be cancelled, effective immediately. That sure was an exclusionary and opaque decision made without consulting staff, volunteers or the Community Advisory Board.

Effective immediately, all late-night, live broadcasts have to be prerecorded. Effective immediately certainly didn't give late-night, live broadcasters any input into the decision or notice for pre-recording their shows. Again, no plan.

This man with no plan thinks he should be respected. How does that work when he shows no respect for the station, its staff, volunteers, Community Advisory Board or the community the station serves?

Things at KHSU are getting worse. Speak up, withhold your financial support and go to the next CAB meeting on Sept. 26.

Kathleen Marshall, Arcata

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