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'Fight This Ridiculous Plan!' 


I read with a horrible, sinking feeling that Caltrans, again, is planning to kill our community (NCJ Daily, May 16)! It is taking our main artery, north and south, and altering it in such a way that traffic will then go to Old Arcata Road.

I live on this road. I have had my fence destroyed three times by drunk drivers driving off the road.

I have contacted the CHP and collected stats on the wrecks on our road. Those reflect recklessness and drunken drivers, but also reflect those who are going over the speed limit. We cannot have traffic routed to our road. Bikes would not be safe ... there is no lane for them. There is no sidewalk. There are no lights.

Please people, come together and fight this ridiculous plan! It does not include sea-level rise and it does not respect businesses on the highway. It does not respect personal safety. It does not respect home owners.

Ginni Hassrick, Bayside

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