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Dimming Hopes 


As each month passes, my hopes dim for ever having an NPR station with the same relevance to the local community that we had in KHSU prior to April of this year ("HSU Enters Interim Agreement to Farm Out KHSU Management," posted online Aug. 9). The latest plan to transmit programming from Capital Public Radio (Sacramento) at the KHSU frequencies doesn't appear to leave any avenue for providing local information or perspectives that we would identify as community radio of the North Coast. James Floss sums up the situation with a witty welcome to this year's incoming students to "CSU Northmost" in his Aug. 11 Times-Standard letter to the editor. The gist of his witty piece is that listeners to KHSU will no longer hear anything that reflects the mash-up of cultures, perspectives and experiences that result in the unique, multi-faceted personality of the North Coast.

I still haven't gotten over the disrespectful treatment of the volunteers, programmers and staff of KHSU last April. I can't find the words to express my gratitude for the work that was put into all the local radio programs on KHSU. Can we find a way to recognize the contributions of those who made the former community radio of KHSU something that many of us enjoyed and were so proud of? It seems fitting that we, the listening community, could come together to express our gratitude to the people who were the voices of KHSU and give them the send-off that they deserve.

G. D. Garman, Eureka

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