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There have been various worries relating to voting but I am concerned about the efficiency of our county elections office ("Pandelection," Oct. 1). Months before the primary, I went, in person, to the election department's office, filled out the required paperwork to change from Republican to no party preference, turned it in and was assured that was all I needed to do. However, come the primary, I received only the Republican version. I waited a while to contact the election department. In the past, I had to answer phones for various offices and departments, so I make it a priority to always be friendly to whomever is stuck answering the phone. I posed the lack of my registration not being changed as a puzzle rather than complaint, abruptly I was told I could do it myself on the computer. So I did and it is changed now, but I do wonder why the paperwork I turned in didn't get processed. Also people should be aware that not everyone has a computer or smartphone and some areas don't have broadband anyway.

Joan Collier, Eureka

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