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'Bringing Attention' 


Thank you to the students for bringing attention to American complicity in the war on Gaza. It may have been flawed but it did the job. It seems that the CPH administration has overreacted to the student protests. The faculty I have spoken to have all said that closing the campus was unnecessary and has brought great hardship to all concerned. 

And let us not be distracted from the real issue which is stopping the war in Gaza. The student protests here and across the country reflect the large number of Americans that don't want our tax dollars used to arm Israel to massacre civilians and destroy their land. The administration and Congress need to heed the voices speaking out loudly to stop funding this war, back an immediate ceasefire, let aid into Gaza, release all Israeli hostages being held by Hamas and work toward a negotiated settlement between both peoples so that Palestinians can be free and both Palestinians and Israelis can live in safety. 

Lynn Kerman, Arcata

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