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Applauding Artistic Effort 


Beautification efforts have brought class and style to the city of Eureka ("Art in the Streets," Aug. 23). Utility boxes all over town have become a place where local artists are able to express their creativity. This is a huge step forward for the city, which often looks derelict. Designs have featured nature scenes, local snapshots, such as a rendering of the fisherman statue and abstract color designs. These bright colors and positive themes have added upbeat expression to the city, which is often plagued with gray and cloudy days.

The economy of Eureka would benefit from increased tourism. The town has so much potential that it is not currently living up to. Proximity to the redwoods, a college nearby and beautiful ocean views make Eureka a perfect place to visit. Painting the utility boxes is a move in the right direction for the city. Hopefully, there will be more steps taken along this path of beautification. With more artistic efforts around the town, more residents and visitors will not only say, "I Like Eureka" (as seen in bumper stickers around town), but grow to truly love it. 

Julie List, Eureka

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