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'A Tyrant' 


Free speech is an inalienable human right that is essential for human dignity, and is protected by the First Amendment because our rights disintegrate without free speech.

Censorship is a government tool used to silence critics and to control and manipulate its population. It is a form of political violence. Tyrants use censorship.

The Biden-Harris White House began pressuring media outlets to censor speech they didn't like, starting in their first week in office. They targeted critics of government policy, experts with important information, and ordinary citizens sharing their personal experiences and observations. This censorship harmed countless individuals and society as a whole. Neither Biden nor Harris has apologized or renounced this egregious violation. Trump has been lambasted for his "dictator for a day" quip, but Harris has demonstrated that if elected, she would be a tyrant every day.

Amy Gustin, Ettersburg

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