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A PG&E Plea 


Does PG&E expect to provide reliable service when they run fragile overhead electric lines through a roadside forest ("Shaken, Blustered and Drenched," Jan 12, 2023)?

As I write this letter, I am enduring my seventh major power outage, ranging from eight hours to six-and-a-half days. Every year residents and businesses along Patrick's Point Drive suffer through three to 10 electric outages. Last year it was eight outages. Windstorms usually cause the outage, but the source of the problem are fragile overhead electric lines subject to breakage, regardless of where in the country you live. If PG&E would increase the durability of those electric lines or underground them, most, if not all, of the outages would be eliminated. Yes, undergrounding power lines is very expensive but possibly the state or federal governments could provide funding to offset that cost. What a good use of federal infrastructure funding and California could assist in reducing the number of many fires caused by electric services. All taxpayers would eventually benefit from this.

Also, consider the cost savings by undergrounding electric lines. PG&E could reduce their repair staff that it sends out after each outage to repair the same problem over and over, year after year. And there is the cost of outside repair staff that must be brought in. After the Jan. 4 windstorm, a small army of contractors were hired to restore power, an effort that was necessary in past years. Extremely expensive! PG&E could also eliminate the need for tree trimming services. They don't eliminate the problem by removing the trees, but simply trim those trees, requiring them to trim them over and over, year after year. Hopefully, you get the idea that PG&E spends millions of dollars through the years making the same repairs over and over, year after year, or maintenance that they could eliminate with underground power service.

David Anthon, Trinidad

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