November 01, 2023 Slideshows

Under the Canopy 

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Photo by Mark Larson
A fun pano view of the five Maker's Apron Creative Reuse artists creating their ephemeral displays from compostable plant materials in a temporary sidewalk installation under the Redwood Skywalk in Eureka's Sequoia Park.
Photo by Mark Larson
Creative Reuse artist Kati Texas paused for a hug while working on her display.
Photo by Mark Larson
Creative Reuse artist Violet Mercedes Dinning carefully organized her plant materials as she began her art display.
Photo by Mark Larson
The finished art display created by Violet Mercedes Dinning.
Photo by Mark Larson
Creative Reuse artist Montel VanderHorck placed another leaf layer in his colorful display.
Photo by Mark Larson
Artist Montel VanderHorck's finished creation.
Photo by Mark Larson
Artist Seth Smith's finished creation.
Photo by Mark Larson
Creative Reuse artist Mir de Silva first created this weaving of ornamental leaves from a native New Zealand plant.
Photo by Mark Larson
Creative Reuse artists Mir de Silva (bottom) and Kati Texas could be seen from the Redwood Skywalk as they created their ephemeral art work.
Photo by Mark Larson
After finishing her weaving and trimming it to a circle, artist Mir de Silva began placing on it beautiful displays of small intricate woven "flowers."
Photo by Mark Larson
The five Maker's Apron Creative Reuse artists working under the Redwood Skywalk in Sequoia Park stopped many morning walkers to look at their creative art work made from seeds, flowers, vegetables and vegetation.
Photo by Mark Larson
Creative Reuse artist Bernadette Vielbig created her spiraling art display using elements cut from different plant stems and tree branches.
Photo by Mark Larson
This photo of Violet Mercedes Dinning's art creation (using a Slow Shutter app on an iPhone) symbolizes the ephemeral nature of the five artists' creations which were swept up and bagged for composting a few hours after they were created as noon approached.
More slideshows
Jennifer Fumiko Cahill11 images
Mark Larson17 images
Mark Larson31 images
Photo by Mark Larson
Creative Reuse artist Mir de Silva first created this weaving of ornamental leaves from a native New Zealand plant.

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