December 19, 2018 Slideshows » News

Protecting the Titans 

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Max Forster
The Grove of Titans contains some of the largest coastal redwoods.
Photo by Max Forster
California State Parks Supervisor Brett Silver explains the importance of protecting grove to a group attempting to visit the site.
Photo by Max Forster
Large patch of compacted bare soil near Screaming Titans
Photo by Max Forster
The social trails have exposed sensitive redwood roots.
Photo by Max Forster
California State Parks Supervisor Brett Silver points to the location that forest vegetation should cover.
Photo by Max Forster
One of the Titans in 2015, before the damage.
Photo by Max Forster
Cars parked along Howland Hill Road, which is seeing increased traffic as more visitors search out the Grove of Titans.
Photo by Max Forster
A sign of the increased traffic on Howland Hill Road.
Photo by Max Forster
A new project is underway to protect the Grove of Titans.
Photo by Max Forster
A view of the grove in 2012.
Photo by Max Forster
Social trails made by visitors seeking out the grove.
Photo by Max Forster
The damage done by visitors stepping on a fallen tree.
Photo by Max Forster
A view of what the grove used to look like before marauding paths were made by grove seekers.
Photo by Max Forster
A sample of the raised walkway that will eventually take sightseers out to the grove.
Photo by Max Forster
Damage done to one of the Titans.
Photo by Max Forster
Before and after photos encourage hikers to stay on the official trails.
Photo by Max Forster
Stay on trail sign.
Photo by Max Forster
Trash left behind by park visitors. The new project will include trash cans.
Photo by Max Forster
Large patch of compacted bare soil near Screaming Titans

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