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'Neither Carbon-free Nor Clean' 


I am writing on behalf of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Humboldt Chapter, concerning the Redwood Community Energy Authority's Community Report insert included in the April 20 issue of the Journal. The BPF has expanded its interest beyond actions promoting peace to include environmental issues. 

It is particularly concerning that RCEA repeatedly references its supply of electricity as clean energy as the Scotia Biomass Plant is neither carbon-free nor clean. These next 20 years are crucial to limiting global warming. The RCEA's focus on solar and wind power is important and commendable. However, it should end its contract with biomass and be the provider of carbon-free energy for Humboldt.

The California Air Resource Board estimates the biomass plant produces 10 times more fine particulates, seven times more nitrogen oxides, 15 times more benzene and 5,800 times more formaldehyde compared to a natural gas fired power plant, while producing only one-third the energy (not that we're promoting a natural gas plant for Humboldt).

Besides the damaging health consequences for locals, the biomass plant contributes to global warming by releasing CO2 from its incineration of wood waste. The Scotia plant emits the equivalent of 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions from all Humboldt's passenger vehicles. 

The RCEA needs to correctly inform its customers and community that the 15 percent of Humboldt's electricity produced from biomass, while being renewable, is neither carbon-free nor clean.

Lynda McDevitt, Trinidad 

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