May 21, 2021 Slideshows » News, Life + Outdoors

Lupines on Bald Hills Road 

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Photo by Mark Larson
Up close for a shot of lupine flowers.
Photo by Mark Larson
A logging truck makes its way down the road among purple blooms.
Photo by Mark Larson
Logging truck traffic means visitors need to be extra careful driving and parking.
Photo by Mark Larson
"Bald" hills no more, at least while the lupines bloom.
Photo by Mark Larson
The blooms are coming to the end of their time, so catch them while you can.
Photo by Mark Larson
The zigzag road through the flowers.
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Mark Larson21 images
Alexander Anderson64 images
Jennifer Fumiko Cahill24 images
Mark Larson14 images
Photo by Mark Larson
Up close for a shot of lupine flowers.

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