May 23, 2023 Slideshows

Kite Festival 2023 

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OF 23
Photo by Mark Larson
The family/public flying field featured a mix of kites, tangled strings and kite flyers of all ages trying out their flying skills.
Photo by Mark Larson
Kites with a broad variety of designs filled the sky over Halvorsen Park on Saturday and Sunday.
Photo by Mark Larson
Attendees of all ages stopped by the kite-making tent to create their own designs.
Photo by Mark Larson
Leila Jasper, of Arcata, tried out her new dragon kite she purchased at one of the vendor tents.
Photo by Mark Larson
When the wind died down, attendees provided their own energy to keep their kites aloft.
Photo by Mark Larson
Robert Adams, of Eureka, prepped his jet kite for takeoff near the edge of Humboldt Bay.
Photo by Mark Larson
Volunteer Archie Clay, of Grants Pass, invited attendees to join him on the demonstration field to learn how to fly his kite.
Photo by Mark Larson
This young attendee was jumping with excitement while checking out the offerings at this popular kite vendor.
Photo by Mark Larson
Expert quad-line kite flyer John Barresi, of Long Beach, Washington, has 31 national championships in sport kite competition and showed off his skills on the demoonstration field throughout the day.
Photo by Mark Larson
Humboldt Kiters member and emcee Jimmie Nord, of Barney Lake, Washington, joined other expert quad-line flyers on the demonstration field.
Photo by Mark Larson
Wind speeds on Sunday varied a lot throughout the day and Ron Valik, of Oakland, was busy keeping his giant kite in the air.
Photo by Mark Larson
Darril Dela Torrie, of Berkeley and a member of the American Kiteflyers Association, prepped his giant dragon for takeoff on the field east of the Samoa Bridge.
Photo by Mark Larson
The field east of the Samoa Bridge offered views of several large kites, including these dragons and a whale shark.
Photo by Mark Larson
The food trucks under the Samoa Bridge offered excellent picnic options and a good view of the giant kites flying east of the bridge.
Photo by Mark Larson
Expert quad-line kite flyer John Barresi (left) and other members of Team KiteLife teamed up with other quad-line kite flyers to perform an amazing Mega-Fly, with their kites dancing across the sky in synchronized maneuvers.
Photo by Mark Larson
Twelve quad-line kite flyers teamed up to perform an amazing Mega-Fly, with their kites dancing across the sky in synchronized maneuvers.
Photo by Mark Larson
Expert quad-line kite flyer John Barresi (left) and other members of Team KiteLife teamed up with other quad-line kite flyers to perform an amazing Mega-Fly, with their kites dancing across the sky in synchronized maneuvers.
Photo by Mark Larson
The quad-line kites required intense concentration for the 12 kite flyers performing the Mega-Fly, with their kites dancing across the sky in synchronized maneuvers.
Photo by Mark Larson
The 12 quad-line kite flew across the sky in synchronized maneuvers.
Photo by Mark Larson
The festival team got their airfoil kite in the air late Sunday afternoon in advance of the candy drop ... only to call off use of the kite due to increasing wind speed.
Photo by Mark Larson
As a back-up option to using the airfoil kite for the candy drop, emcee Jimmie Nord showed off his candy-toss technique instead.
Photo by Mark Larson
The children in three age groups were quite enthusiastic about the search after the candy tosses.
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Mark Larson17 images
51 images
Jennifer Fumiko Cahill24 images
Mark Larson14 images
Photo by Mark Larson
Kites with a broad variety of designs filled the sky over Halvorsen Park on Saturday and Sunday.

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