May 06, 2017 Slideshows » News

#JusticeforJosiah March 

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OF 22
Mark McKenna
Demonstrators marched up G Street from the Arcata Plaza.
Mark McKenna
Protesters enter Wildberries Marketplace.
Mark McKenna
The march went through Wildberries Marketplace with demonstrators encouraging people to join them.
Mark McKenna
The crowd waits for other demonstrators to leave Wildberries Marketplace before continuing on to HSU.
Mark McKenna
The march continued on H Street against traffic as the procession made its way back to HSU.
Mark McKenna
As marchers crossed the dark Sunset overpass, members of the crowd turned on their cell phone flashlights.
Mark McKenna
Mark McKenna
The march headed to the HSU campus.
Mark McKenna
Demonstrators head to the Student and Business Services Building.
Mark McKenna
Mark McKenna
Demonstrators marched through the courtyards of the dorms knocking on doors and asking students to join them in calling for justice for Josiah Lawson.
Mark McKenna
Mark McKenna
The demonstrators returned to the Arcata Plaza where the march began.
Mark McKenna
Mark McKenna
Demonstrators added the number for the Humboldt County District Attorney's Office to their phones and were encouraged to call and demand justice.
Mark McKenna
A woman takes a photo of a Black Lives Matter sign.
Mark McKenna
Demonstrators taped signs to the McKinley Statue at the Arcata Plaza.
Mark McKenna
Mark McKenna
Demonstrators taped signs to the McKinley Statue at the Arcata Plaza.
Mark McKenna
Demonstrators photograph the signs taped to the McKinley statue.
Mark McKenna
Demonstrators photograph the signs taped to the McKinley statue.
Mark McKenna
Demonstrators taped signs to the McKinley statue at the Arcata Plaza.
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5 images
Alexander Anderson64 images
Mark Larson23 images
Mark McKenna
The crowd waits for other demonstrators to leave Wildberries Marketplace before continuing on to HSU.

Tags: David Josiah Lawson, Kyle Zoellner, Arcata, Humboldt State University, protest


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