April 16, 2019 Slideshows » News

Justice for Josiah 2nd Anniversary Vigil 

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Mark McKenna
The flame of a candle is reflected in a Justice for Josiah button.
Mark McKenna
Molly Conso hugs Sharon Fennell as people gather on the Arcata Plaza for the two-year anniversary of the death of Josiah David Lawson.
Mark McKenna
Renee Saucedo of Centro del Pueblo addresses the crowd at the plaza.
Mark McKenna
Dave Carter helps light candles.
Mark McKenna
Pastor Bethany Cseh leads the group in prayer.
Mark McKenna
Pastor Bethany Cseh led the group in prayer.
Mark McKenna
Hands clasped, Charmaine Lawson listens to Pastor Bethany Cseh lead the people gathered at the Arcata Plaza in prayer.
Mark McKenna
Kevin “KM” Ross, left, and Erik Rydberg lock arms as Pastor Bethany Cseh leads the group in prayer.
Mark McKenna
The crowd locks arms while Pastor Bethany Cseh leads them in prayer.
Mark McKenna
Ellie Galvez-Hard, left, and Charmaine Lawson, right, bow their heads with Christina Lastra in a private moment of prayer.
Mark McKenna
Charmaine Lawson chokes back tears as Bob Marley’s “One Love” is sung in honor of her son.
Mark McKenna
Charmaine Lawson speaks to the crowd gathered to honor her son and demands justice for him on the second anniversary of his killing.
Mark McKenna
Arcata Police Chief Brian Ahearn hugs Charmaine Lawson after the vigil on the second anniversary of her son's death.
Mark McKenna
Arcata Police Chief Brian Ahearn listens to questions from Charmaine Lawson about her son’s unsolved homicide.
Mark McKenna
The crowd asks tough questions of Arcata Police Chief Brian Ahearn following the vigil.
Mark McKenna
Mark McKenna
Molly Conso lights a candle at the end of the vigil.
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Alexander Anderson64 images
Mark Larson23 images
Mark McKenna
Molly Conso hugs Sharon Fennell as people gather on the Arcata Plaza for the two-year anniversary of the death of Josiah David Lawson.


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