February 12, 2019 Slideshows

2019 Mr. Humboldt Pageant 

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Photo by Mark McKenna
The crowd reacts to the question and answer phase of the pageant.
Photo by Mark McKenna
The audience participates by shining cell phone flashlights during Mr. Heavy D's rendition of "You Make Me Feel Like" during the talent portion of the competition.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Humboldt Emcee Johanna Nagan introduces the 2019 contestants starting with Mr. Bougie.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Queer takes a bow after picking up panties thrown on stage by the crowd during his Q&A.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Lumberjack prentends to take a phone call from a concerned aunt who just watched "Murder Mountain."
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Dig answers a question about his large Sequoia during the Q&A.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Bigfoot impersonates President Nixon during the Q&A.
Photo by Mark McKenna
A dance party followed the swimsuit portion of the competition.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Dig gives the judges a double thumbs down after they cut Mr. Lumberjack during the swimsuit segment.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Austin Allison, aka DJ Councilman, provides the beats during an intermission.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Heavy D sings "You Make Me Feel" during the talent phase.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Buck 25 rocked the accordion for his talent display.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Queer fires some rainbow confetti into the crowd during his striptease.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Queer pulls on a thigh high during his talent performance.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Surprisingly, Mr. Lumberjack chopped a log to display his talent during the pageant.
Photo by Mark McKenna
A pair of panties flies on stage as Mr. Dig lays down some sexy sax tracks during the talent phase of the pageant.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Emcee Johana Nagan licks some whipped cream from Mr. Bougie's stomach.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Queer unleashes more rainbow confetti during the formal wear segment.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Judge Alex Stillman listens to Mr. Bougie's cougar call during the formal wear segment.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Heavy D delivers his cougar call to judge Alex Stillman.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Queer sprinkles flowers on judge Alex Stilman during the formal wear segment.
Photo by Mark McKenna
The contestants line up as the winners are about to be announced.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Queer and Mr. Lumberjack hug as they learn they are the two finalist in this year's Mr. Humboldt competition.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Queer graciously concedes as Mr. Lumberjack is crowned this year's Mr. Humboldt.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Lumberjack is crowned this year's Mr. Humboldt.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Emcee Johanna Nagan places the Mr. Humboldt sash on Mr. Lumberjack following his crowning as Mr. Humboldt 2019.
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Humboldt 2019 is nighted by Mr. Humboldt 2018.
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Mark Larson17 images
51 images
Jennifer Fumiko Cahill24 images
Mark Larson14 images
Photo by Mark McKenna
Mr. Bigfoot impersonates President Nixon during the Q&A.

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