Working it Out in the Garden

(January 18, 2024) Now that it's January, did you make any New Year's resolutions? Yes? How's that working out for you? No? Good job. The older I get, the more I learn that...

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Winter Planting for Future Color

(December 21, 2023) Now that a real rainy season has returned to Humboldt County, it's time to think about the new gardening year. Winter is nearly here, and while the days can be...

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Equinoctial To-Do and Native Plants

(September 21, 2023) As we approach the autumnal equinox, there are plenty of things to do in your garden. Sure, the calendar says that summer is coming to an end, but we often...

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Gardening in the Gloom

(July 6, 2023) If you're a gardener, you're probably wondering what in the ever-living gahhh is going on with the weather this year. First, we had unending rain, then the rain stopped. Sort...

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Rainy Day Gardening

(April 13, 2023) Talk to any gardener or farmer in your life about how things are going now that it's spring, and you'll probably garner a wistful sigh, followed by them looking...

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Bare Root Time

(February 16, 2023) If you've been to a local nursery lately, you've probably noticed a bunch of boxed stick-like things in sand or soil. Bare root tree/berry season is finally here. Why buy...

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Plant Porn

Sorting through the crop of seed catalogs

(January 12, 2023) Now that the ball has dropped, the hangovers have ceased, and the calendar page has turned, it's time to make those New Year's resolutions. No, not exercise or eating healthier,...

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Gardening for Caterpillars?

(December 15, 2022) Here's some good news for gardeners who are concerned about the environment: We can make an important, positive impact by the plant choices we make in our gardens. How do...

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Fall in the Garden

(November 17, 2022) Now that we're finally getting some much-needed rain, it's time to take stock of what to do in order to either have a fall garden, or prep your garden...

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Cleaning Up the Garden

And what to leave messy

(September 29, 2022) Even though we live in a temperate climate, I've been noticing some subtle changes in the weather and critters here on the coast. I've been seeing wooly banded bears —...

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Pests in the Garden

(August 4, 2022) Given the title of this article, you might think I'm going to talk about tomato hornworms, spittle bugs or aphids. OK, I will mention aphids but I want to talk...

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Get to Know Your Weeds

(June 9, 2022) This week, I'm turning my focus to a problem that most gardeners are dealing with this month, thanks to the intermittent rain/sun/rain/warmth/rain/wind we've had over the past two months. You...

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Plant This, Not That

Pretty alternatives to invasive species

(April 14, 2022) I follow more than a few plant and picture pages on social media, and it's always interesting to see folks wax poetic about some of our more aggressive invasive plants....

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Winter Garden Checklist

(February 17, 2022) The Pennsylvania rodent has decreed that we'll have another five weeks of winter and in the Midwest, South and Northeast, I'm sure they believe this to be true. Meanwhile, out...

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A Gardener's Resolutions

(January 6, 2022) Now that it's a new year, I'm sure some of you have made resolutions. It's a thing that we humans like to do. It's the start of a new time...

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