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Third Friday McKinleyville Arts Night 

Friday, Aug. 15, 6-8 p.m.

Presented by members of the McKinleyville business community. Receptions for artists, exhibits and/or erformances are from 6-8 p.m. on the third Friday of each month. Phone 834-6460, for more information.

1 Mirador GlassMiller Business Park on Nursery Way. Andrew Daniel, paintings.

2 Conscious HomeMiller Business Park on Nursery Way. Marsha Lee, nature photographs.

3 Blake’s BooksCentral Ave. East. Nan Lawrence, watercolors.

4 Ramone’sMcKinleyville Shopping Center. Danielle Colgan, pottery and paintings; Devlin Colgan, pastels and paintings.

5 Yurika BeadsMcKinleyville Shopping Center. Kim Stewart, photographs.

5 Plaza DesignMcKinleyville Shopping Center. Jan Ramsey, paintings.

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