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All Kinds of Good 

To shamelessly co-opt the sentiment of the latest Springsteen single, in HumCo, we take care of our own. So there.

Now, it would be foolish to assume that there is some inherent region-specific generosity that souls of Humboldt dwellers are innately filled with -- there's probably other tight-knit, compassionate communities out there somewhere. But judging by the events our county's caring citizenry have put efforts into executing just this Friday alone, we've got to be in, like, the 99th percentile of being loving, or something. Maybe that's pushing it. But people are trying to help people. And that's never bad.

Wanna help too? Here are some pre-planned options you can hitch your wagon to in the Friday, Mar. 2 parade of awesomeness:

First off, did you hear the one about the soldier who survived pepper spray and mustard gas? Yeah, he's a seasoned veteran.

Still with me? Then you may have the endurance it takes to sit through the 21st Almost Annual Pun-off benefitting Food For People at the Arcata Theatre Lounge on Friday at 8 p.m. 15-20 puntestants -- ugh -- will compete for the coveted jar of Pepto Dismal by making puns to coincide with predetermined categories. (Example from the Pun-off's YouTube archives: presented with the category "Animals Indigenous to Australia," the legendary Attila the Pun responded, "If you're going to have a bear, it doesn't matter the quantity, it's the koala-ty." Oy!) If you attend, keep at the forefront of your brain that it's all for a good cause. Word.

Also on Friday: 94.1 KSLG-FM will again be broadcasting live from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. from the Eureka Co-op and gathering new and gently used clothing from the community as part of their Warm and Fuzzy Clothing Drive. The threads will then be distributed by local philanthropist Betty Chinn's group Betty's Blue Angels.

And finally, while it may be too late to get in on the action now -- team rosters were due on Feb. 23 -- you can still take in the spectacle of the 29th annual Bowl for Kids Sake at Harbor Lanes, as always benefitting North Coast Big Brothers Big Sisters. Starting at 7 p.m. on Friday and continuing all day Saturday, hundreds of honorable Humboldtians will don fairy tail-ish regalia -- to fit in with this year's "Ever After" theme -- and hope for strikes, yes, but mostly for cared-for kids.

Way to care, Humboldt.

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Andrew Goff

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