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On Passings and Returns 

(in honor of Petey Brucker)

The barn swallows are back,
Fresh from their long flight north.
They sit on my carport roof
And sing their nesting song.

These old friends have returned
On a day I mourn another friend,
Dear Petey, who has passed on.
I am grateful for their presence.

Like detritus, irretrievable losses
Accumulate on our souls with time.
Soon only memories and other faint
Traces of our passing remain.

This is the way with life -
Death, decay and forgetting
So essential to enable
Birth, growth and remembering.

The barn swallows are back,
Reminding me of life's sweetness,
Giving me help along the way
Toward acceptance.

Felice Pace

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Felice Pace

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