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A Lone Daffodil 

Don't you know it's too early?
Can't you see the others
Still cuddled and huddled in their robes of green
Crowding together against the cold, wet, wintry day
Not ready yet to welcome them
Or you?

Why are you willing to stand so tall
In radiant yellow
Your brazen bugle blaring?

It's true
The primroses too are showing their faces
But they're on schedule
And know enough to peep out shyly
From protective, shrouding greenery
And the fragile blossoms of the plum trees
Are cautiously and bit by bit bursting into color

But you are not shy or subtle or tentative
You're the singular, daring, glorious one
Leading the way
Taking the risk
Damning the odds
Winning the day!

Jean Munsee

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Jean Munsee

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