Monday, July 15, 2024

Catherine Ellen Barnes

August 31, 1950- March 13, 2024

Posted By on Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 6:00 AM

click to enlarge Catherine Ellen Barnes
  • Catherine Ellen Barnes

Catherine Ellen Barnes went to do God's Laundry, her departing flight was out of Eureka. She loved the sensation of flight, as she would bungee jump over the waters of Mexico. Born in Long Beach, California, to Betty Jean Hubbard (Barnes /McElhill) and Philip Barnes, she spent time as a young person fishing in Humboldt County with her Grandmother Harriet "Jane" Hubbard. Having raised her daughters Wendi D. Wood, Deborah L. Hart, and Karyn B. Hart in Martinez, California, children of her marriage to Gregory E. Hart, she moved to Eureka in 1996 to enjoy the ocean with her grandchildren: Kelli Wood, Kevyn Harris, Dylan Hart Arnold and Gage Hart Arnold.

Being an excellent cook, she taught them how to run a proper kitchen and make pies. Any child under her influence emerged with excellent comprehension of the English language. She loved babies and considered her job done when they were able to speak in complete sentences. The friends of her children were taken under her wing as family, most notably Missy Ferguson.

As a woman of many great talents, best known publicly for her masterful capacity in physical therapy, fitness instruction, massage therapy and paralegal services. Catherine retired from the city of Eureka after her years as a fitness instructor at the Adorni Center and also was a member of the team at The Spa Personal Choice, certified in Swedish and Esalon massage earned at The McKinnon Institute. Known personally for her ability to laugh at every challenge life lobbed her way.

Cat always landed on her feet.

Survived by Marge Barnes, Mark and Jeanette Barnes, children, grandchildren, nephew Phillip and nieces Marcy, Valerie and Camila.

Brother Mark Barnes says, "My sister was at her best when she was caring for others ... which was especially evident when she was caring for the elderly in the latter stages of their earthly lives. This was her special gift."

Her daughters would say their mother took doing laundry to an art form. Those of you who knew Catherine, Cathy, Cat personally will need no interpretation of these thoughts and instructions of hers, to be read upon her passing. The rest of you ... just try to follow along.

• "I have gone on to do God's laundry and offer a massage if one is wanted."

• "At my passing, in lieu of flowers, go to Bed Bath and Beyond and buy yourself a present."

• "Cancel all my book and movie clubs ... immediately!"

• "Bury me in this cooking apron."

• "Bury me wearing these green gardening gloves."

• "After settling my affairs, if there is any money left over, spend it buying booze for my memorial."

• "I love to eat."

• "If you insist on having a memorial, make it a potluck and use real plates, knives and forks. No plastic allowed."

• "When it's time to go ... it's time to go!"

And lastly, this joke found amongst her files ...

• "When I die, I want to go peacefully, like my grandfather did, in his sleep. Not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car." — Will Rogers

No public service will be held. We invite you to privately celebrate and honor her as you wish. Read a book. Laugh with the funny pages. Touch high quality textiles. Walk the beach. Go fishing. Eat great food. Swim. Grow plants. Watch the birds. If you wish, support Friends of the Redwood Library, Food for People, The Rescue Mission or Hospice of Humboldt.

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