Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Felix's Hot Start Propels Crabs Sweep

Posted By on Tue, Jun 18, 2024 at 7:54 PM

Two wins in a row to end last week added to a clean sweep of five games this week means the Crabs are on a roll. This week saw the good guys make easy work of Berkovich Honor and the Novato Knicks. Sometimes box scores can be deceiving. The offense showed up in a big way, while the starting pitching seemed to struggle a bit. In a strange turn, Friday night’s contest saw the Crabbies scoring 13 runs on just four hits. Nine walks and four errors from the Knicks would fill in those blanks. The whirlwind that can be the first week or so of the summer finds our Crabbies settling in and hitting their stride before their first big road trip of the summer. 

click to enlarge Javier Felix at bat with his signature work glove. - PHOTO BY MATT FILAR
  • Photo by Matt Filar
  • Javier Felix at bat with his signature work glove.

The week was paced again by early season MVP candidate Javier Felix. Felix would have two hits and two RBIs on Tuesday, a grand slam on Friday night in prime time, two hits another homerun with three RBIs on Saturday, and another two RBIs on one hit on Sunday. I caught up with him prior to Sunday’s game and had a chance to ask him if the ball looked like a balloon or a watermelon right now. With a chuckle, he said modestly, “I’m seeing it pretty good right now.” For someone who is hitting .385 with four homeruns and 19 RBIs through the first 12 games, I’d agree. The kid is absolutely raking.

When asked about his single signature yellow gardening glove worn instead of batting gloves, Felix smiled. “It just feels right, I had a thicker one that didn’t really feel right, but my dad works for the state for CalTrans, and he’s been able to hook me up with these. It works, and it’s just a reminder to stay grounded and remember where you came from." (Listen to the interview below.) 

click to enlarge Javier Felix gets some love from everyone after a hot start. - PHOTO BY MATT FILAR
  • Photo by Matt Filar
  • Javier Felix gets some love from everyone after a hot start.

The Crabs will head out on the road for the next week. It signals not only the start of play in a new conference, but what is expected to be a raise in the level of competition. For a team that’s had mostly home games, the new format creates a sense of the unknown in certain facets. Felix knows this could be a chance for a team that is still coming together to bond. “I think this roadtrip is gonna be good. Sometimes getting away and having a bus trip with the boys is a good chance to get to know each other. Playing in front of other fans, seeing other parks, being in enemy territory can be exciting, it presents new challenges.”

Outfielder Trent Keys echoed that sentiment, saying, “I think we are ready for the road trip, we still have some guys showing up, so it’ll be good to have a trip to see where we are really at early in the season, and face new competition.” (Listen to the interview below.)

The Crabs continue to fill out their roster as players trickle in from the college playoffs. Other standouts in the week included Billy Ham, who had three hits and four RBIs in Saturday’s afternoon game, which was called early because of an agreed-upon 10 run (mercy) rule. Victor Castaneda has been off to a great start hitting .325 with 10 RBIs, and Jett Ruby has been the ultimate table setter hitting .391 at the top of the lineup with 12 runs scored and four stolen bases.

Starting pitchers Caleb Ruiz and Logan Salomon would turn in quality starts to pick up wins during the week. Sunday would see lefty of all lefties Nolan Long battle through some errors and a rocky start to pick up his third win in three tries so far this summer. The Crabs open up conference play, and will have to be road warriors during a tough stretch this week that sees them on the road for six games in six days against the Lincoln Potters and the Healdsburg Prune Packers. This is a road trip that will undoubtedly be regarded as the first big test for what the summer conference schedule will bring. They return home Tuesday, June 25, to face the Athletic Edge Express. I hope to see you all out at the yard. Go, Crab, go.

Heckle of the Week: 

After throwing ball four to walk a Crabs hitter, “It’s ok 12 … it’s Humboldt, we’re all high and outside.”

“No. 15 leaves empty milk cartons in the fridge … . Ya he’s that guy.”

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Brandon Dixon

Brandon Dixon

Brandon Dixon (he/him) is is a former All American who played college baseball for Orange Coast College, Point Loma Nazarene and the Peninsula Oilers. Husband and father to two little girls, he’s also the host of The Brando Show podcast.

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