Friday, February 9, 2024

University Police Investigation Clears CR Baseball Players of Assault Allegation

Posted By on Fri, Feb 9, 2024 at 11:16 AM

Cal Poly Humboldt police have determined a Palestine supporter who alleged she'd been assaulted near the Arcata Plaza in October lied about the incident, according to a  press release from the university.

Gihane Hyden had alleged that she was leaving a rally on the plaza around 2 p.m. on Oct. 28 when men she identified as members of the College of the Redwoods baseball team engaged her in conversation about the pro-Palestine signs she was carrying. Hayden alleged one of the men made critical comments before hitting her with his car as he pulled out of the university campus store parking lot "with such force that she ended up on the hood of the car." She alleges a coach then threatened her and pinned her in a chokehold in an effort to prevent her from leaving.

But UPD has determined this was not the case, according to the press release.

"According to UPD's investigation, the evidence does not support Hyden's allegations, and that Hyden vandalized a player's windshield by breaking it with her fist and prevented that player from exiting the parking lot in his vehicle," the press release states.

UPD has submitted its investigative report to the Humboldt County District Attorney's Office, recommending Hyden be charged with vandalism, false imprisonment and making a false police report, according to the release, which is copied below.

Following a game at Arcata Ballpark in October, College of the Redwoods baseball players were getting into their cars that were parked at the Campus Store, Arcata parking lot.

Around that time, a Plaza demonstration on the Israeli-Hamas conflict on the Plaza had just ended and participants of the event passed by the Arcata Campus Store.

An argument occurred between the baseball players and two demonstrators, one of whom is identified as Gihane Hyden. CR players and coaches, and a third-party witness called 911 to report the argument. Those demonstrators left before Cal Poly Humboldt University Police Department officers arrived.

Hyden later alleged that members of the baseball team had assaulted her with a vehicle. She also reported that a coach had assaulted her by placing his arm around her neck.

According to UPD’s investigation, the evidence does not support Hyden’s allegations, and that Hyden vandalized a player’s windshield by breaking it with her fist and prevented that player from exiting the parking lot in his vehicle.

UPD has recommended charges of vandalism, false imprisonment and make a false police report, and the case has been referred to the District Attorney.

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Thadeus Greenson

Thadeus Greenson is the news editor of the North Coast Journal.

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