Thursday, August 5, 2021

Del Norte Hospital Activates Surge Plan, Urges Residents to Stop Gathering

Posted By on Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 1:04 PM

click to enlarge Two intensive care unit nurses Gabby Caster and Julie Bruce celebrate the end of 2020. - SUTTER COAST HOSPITAL/FACEBOOK
  • Sutter Coast Hospital/Facebook
  • Two intensive care unit nurses Gabby Caster and Julie Bruce celebrate the end of 2020.
Del Norte County's only hospital has activated its surge capacity plan after seeing a "significant" increase in the number of COVID-19 patients seeking emergency care in recent days and is pleading with residents to follow public health recommendations and avoid large gatherings.

"It is vital that the community do everything possible to reduce the spread of the virus, including postponing events whenever possible," a press release from the hospital states. "If you must go out, please where a mask, wash your hands frequently and maintain 6 feet of space between yourself and those not in your household. Also, for those eligible, get vaccinated as soon as possible."

With increasing case numbers, the hospital expects to see a continued increase in patients seeking emergency care "unless our community does something to alter the current situation."

The statement comes a day after Roberta Luskin-Hawk, the CEO of St. Joseph Health in Humboldt County, raised concerns about local hospital capacity, saying the hospital is seeing the highest stretch of COVID-19 admissions since the pandemic's start amid a recent case surge fueled by the highly contagious Delta variant.

According to a statewide database, 25 people are currently hospitalized in Humboldt County, including six under intensive care. In Del Norte County, 11 people are currently hospitalized, including five in intensive care.

Humboldt County Health Officer Ian Hoffman cited hospital capacity as a point of concern yesterday when announcing a new mandatory masking order will take effect in the county at 12:01 a.m. Saturday.

See the full press release from Sutter Coast Hospital below:

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Thadeus Greenson

Thadeus Greenson is the news editor of the North Coast Journal.

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