Friday, November 20, 2020

Yurok Reservation Confirms Third COVID-19 Case

Posted By on Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 5:19 PM

The Yurok Office of Emergency Services has confirmed a third COVID-19 case on the Yurok Reservation.

According to the release, the case involves a resident on the Klamath side of the reservation. The Yurok OES and Del Norte County Public Health are conducting a thorough contact tracing investigation.

“We are performing a thorough contact tracing investigation to prevent the spread of the illness,” said the Yurok Tribe’s Incident Commander Serene Hayden. “With the recent increase in cases in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties, all residents are strongly encouraged to remain consistent in employing all of the personal safety measures, such as wearing a mask and practicing physical distancing while in public. Also, it is extremely important for everyone in this region to stay home and refrain from attending large gatherings during the upcoming holidays. If you feel unwell, please get tested. We are providing free COVID-19 tests multiple times per week in Weitchpec and Klamath.”
To date, there have only been three COVID-19 cases on the Yurok Reservation.

Yurok reservation residents can find testing information on the Tribe’s Facebook page here and at

For information about testing in Humboldt County, click here.

For information on COVID-19 testing in Del Norte County click here.

Read the full press release below.

Third individual tests positive for COVID-19 on the Yurok Reservation

Yurok OES, Del Norte conduct thorough contact tracing investigation

The Yurok Office of Emergency Services has received confirmation of the third COVID-19 case on the Yurok Reservation.

The case involved a resident on the Klamath side of the reservation. The individual is experiencing mild symptoms and will quarantine at home for the next 14 days. Yurok OES and Del Norte County health representatives are conducting a comprehensive contact tracing investigation to minimize the potential for additional transmissions. The tribal and county team has already begun reaching out to the small number of people who spent time in close proximity to the community member during the past two weeks. The Tribe is offering resources to these individuals to help them complete the required, two-week quarantine. To preserve the confidentiality of personal health records, the Yurok Tribe will not disclose any further details at this time.

“We are performing a thorough contact tracing investigation to prevent the spread of the illness,” said Serene Hayden, the Yurok Tribe’s Incident Commander. “With the recent increase in cases in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties, all residents are strongly encouraged to remain consistent in employing all of the personal safety measures, such as wearing a mask and practicing physical distancing while in public. Also, it is extremely important for everyone in this region to stay home and refrain from attending large gatherings during the upcoming holidays. If you feel unwell, please get tested. We are providing free COVID-19 tests multiple times per week in Weitchpec and Klamath.”

During the month of November, the rate of COVID-19 infections spiked significantly in Humboldt and in Del Norte Counties. Humboldt saw its highest number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic. Both counties are at Tier 2 on the community risk level chart and are trending toward Tier 1, which is the most restrictive stage. There has been a total of three COVID-19 cases on the Yurok Reservation. Reservation residents are asked to continue practicing all of the recommended personal safety strategies, such as wearing a mask when outside of the home and only travelling for essential purposes. A disproportionate quantity of elders and individuals with preexisting medical conditions reside on tribal lands. These safety measures offer the most effective means of keeping them and the whole community safe.

Reservation residents can find testing information on the Tribe’s Facebook page ( and at The test is free and open to all. For information about testing in Humboldt County, please visit If you live in Del Norte County and would like to get tested, please visited the following webpage:

The Yurok Office of Emergency Services advises residents to follow all personal safety recommendations:

  • Maintain a minimum of 6-feet of personal space from individuals outside of the household
  • Always wear a face covering outside of the home (Wash reusable mask frequently, only use single-use masks once)
  • Do not attend gatherings large or small, including visiting extended family and friends
  • Avoid all contact with anyone exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms
  • Disinfect common touch points in the home
  • Practice cough and sneeze etiquette (cover your sneezes and coughs with your arm. Wash hands immediately after cough or sneeze for additional protection)
  • Perform frequent handwashing – Wash hands every two hours for 20-30 seconds with water and soap)
  • If you feel ill, please get tested and self-isolate
  • Reminder: If you feel slightly unwell and have one or more of the common symptoms of COVID-19, it is advised to stay home from work
Yurok citizens in need of assistance are encouraged to call the Yurok Tribe’s COVID-19 hotline at 1-888-225-8952.
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Iridian Casarez

Iridian Casarez was a staff writer at the North Coast Journal from 2019-2023.

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