Sunday, October 18, 2020

Slater and Devil Fires Update

Posted By on Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 1:52 PM

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Slater Fire: 156,618 acres and 80 percent containment

"Yesterday, patrols identified hot spots in the northeast corner of the fire near Sucker Creek. Hot spots were also spotted on the west of the fire, east of Little Sanger Peak in the Chicago Creek drainage. Helicopters will continue air operations and bucket drops today as needed," today's update reads.

"Repair work on dozer lines will begin to outpace fire-suppression activities over the next few days. Resource Advisors are working hand in hand with ground resources to repair dozer lines on the north flank of the fire that were built to protect homes and structures. Residents along the south flank can expect to see crews repairing dozer lines over the coming days.

Aerial and ground patrols report little fire activity near containment lines.

Removal of fire-damaged hazard trees along the Grayback Road continues, with one team working from Happy Camp north, and another team from the north end of the road working southward."

Devil Fire: 8,885 acres and 60 percent containment
Aviation resources are monitoring the Devil Fire and using bucket drops to suppress the spread of creeping fire activity south of Middle Fork Fort Goff Creek.

For more, see the press release below.

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Kali Cozyris

Kali Cozyris is the calendar editor of the North Coast Journal.

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