North Coast Journal

Huffman: I Hope Trump Recovers Fully, 'He Needs to Face Justice'

Thadeus Greenson Oct 2, 2020 7:49 AM
North Coast Congressmember Jared Huffman, one of President Trump's most vociferous critics, offered the president some well wishes last night after learning he and Melania Trump had tested positive for COVID-19, though the message came with a barbs attached.

"We all knew an October surprise was coming, but I never imagined it would be COVID-19 finally catching up to the Denier-in-Chief," Huffman wrote on Twitter. "I hope the best for Hicks, Trump and the rest of them, regardless of karma."

A few hours later, Huffman — who has changed his Twitter handle to "Rep. Jared 'Please Wear a Mask' Huffman — again took to the platform, retweeting a report from CNN confirming the president and first lady had tested positive.

"I hope he recovers fully. He needs to face justice," wrote Huffman, who was one of the first members of Congress to call for impeachment.
California Sen. Kamala Harris, the Democratic vice presidential nominee who has also been sharply critical of Trump and his administration, also took to Twitter after learning the news but took a markedly more restrained tone than Huffman.

"Doug and I join Joe Biden and Dr. Biden in wishing President Trump and the First Lady a full and speedy recovery," Harris wrote. "We're keeping them and the entire Trump family in our thoughts."

North Coast State Sen. Mike McGuire, meanwhile, took news as an opportunity to urge people to take the virus seriously.

"7.3 million Americans have been stricken by the coronavirus," he wrote. "As the world's public health experts have been saying, the coronavirus is insidious and doesn't discriminate. Thinking of all those impacted by this devastating virus, including the President. Wear a mask."

Huffman followed up on the issue this morning, retweeting a message from Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) opining that COVID-19 didn't "sneak up" on Trump, intoning the White House should have been more cautious about the virus.

"Really important point," Huffman wrote. "He has been amazingly reckless."