North Coast Journal

Hazardous Air Near Red Salmon Complex; Progress on Slater-Devil Fires

Kimberly Wear Oct 2, 2020 11:33 AM
Red Salmon Complex: 129,191 acres and 31 percent containment

Smoke continues to be a major factor for communities near the Red Salmon Complex, which are also being hit by the August Fire Complex, with Weitchpec, Hoopa, and Willow Creek air quality expected to reach Hazardous levels.

Today’s update urges motorists to use caution in the area with many narrow, winding roads.

Containment lines along Tish Tang Ridge to Box Camp to continue efforts to protect the Hoopa Valley Reservation, Willow Creek, Sayler, Hawkins Bar and other adjacent communities continues and crews will be constructing dozer line around the Miller Ranch area.

The update states that Knownothing Creek area cabins have been wrapped in protective material and defense burning is ongoing off Hotelling Ridge and down to Methodist Creek and by the Forks of Salmon river.

On the east flank, progress is being made to hand-build containment lines and create a dozer line from Cecil Lake north, to Cecilville Road while on the west flank crews are continuing to strengthen containment lines.

Find out more information about the Red Salmon Complex here.

Slater-Devil Fire: 154,445 acres and 50 percent containment

Hot and dry weather is expected to continue in the fire area as crews keep making progress, mopping up around Happy Camp and securing line from Highway 199 to the Illinois Valley, today’s update states.

Firefighters are working to connect 240 miles of fire line around the Slater Fire.

Today’s update states that “hot spots have been challenging firefighters on the western and eastern flanks, and both areas could see increased fire activity in the next couple of days, as hot and dry weather is predicted.”

Crew are working to strengthen and expand fires line. Smoky conditions are currently preventing air support from helping in fire suppression efforts.

To the east, firefighters are focusing on the southwestern edge of the Devil Fire and continuing mop-ups, patrols and efforts to secure the fire’s boundary.

Read more about the Slater-Devil Fire here.