Thursday, September 10, 2020

HSU to Continue Virtual Instruction for Spring Semester

Posted By on Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 5:31 PM

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Just like this year's Fall semester, all California State Universities will continue virtual instruction into the Spring 2021 semester, including Humboldt State University.

HSU’s plan for Spring will include very limited face-to-face instruction in some of the university's hands-on activities, labs, and field-based experiences. In-person classes are being determined within Academic Affairs and in consultation with Facilities and Risk Management personnel based on what can be safely managed using appropriate protocols.

“After extensive consultation with campus presidents and other stakeholders, and careful consideration of a multitude of factors – regarding the pandemic and its consequences, as well as other matters impacting the university and its operations – I am announcing that the CSU will continue with this primarily virtual instructional approach for the academic term that begins in January 2021, and also will continue with reduced populations in campus housing,” said CSU Chancellor Timothy P. White.

The decision gives students and family time to plan for the upcoming semester, the need to publish and promote course offerings in campus academic plans, and accreditation requirements for courses delivered virtually were other reasons for the continuation of virtual instruction.

HSU anticipates that the health and safety measures that are currently in place,  like keeping campus density low and having most employees telecommute, will continue in the Spring semester as well.

More information we will be released when available.

Read both the CSU and the HSU press release below.

HSU Plans for Spring 2021 Instruction

Based on new guidance provided today by the California State University system
, Humboldt State University will continue offering most courses in a virtual format for Spring 2021.

At this point, HSU intends to develop a plan for Spring 2021 similar in structure to the one that was approved for Fall 2020. HSU’s plan for Spring will include very limited face-to-face instruction in some of HSU’s hands-on activities, labs, and field-based experiences. HSU’s lecture-based, seminar, and independent study course sections will remain virtual.

The specific courses to be offered face-to-face in the Spring are still being determined within Academic Affairs and in consultation with Facilities and Risk Management personnel based on what can be safely managed using appropriate protocols. During the Fall, about 13 percent of courses at HSU are being taught in a face-to-face format. It is likely that a slightly smaller percentage of courses will be offered face-to-face this spring.

The University anticipates that the health and safety measures that are currently in place, such as keeping campus density low and having most employees telecommute, will continue next semester. 

However, these plans may evolve and will depend on the circumstances surrounding COVID-19. HSU  will continue our ongoing consultation with state and local health officials and the Chancellor’s Office. Any needed adjustments to our Spring instructional plan will also involve consultation with academic Department Chairs, Deans, the Provost and Chair of the University Senate.

More details will be shared once information is available.

A full list of Spring courses and their planned modality—face-to-face or virtual—will eventually be found in the Spring course schedule. This list will be continuously updated as campus prepares for the Spring semester. Faculty with questions should consult with their Department Chair or program lead. Staff with questions should consult with their direct supervisor.

More details about Spring will be shared as it is available. So please be sure to check your HSU email and for updates. 

CSU Campuses to Continue with Predominantly Virtual Instruction for Academic Terms Beginning in January 2021

For the academic term beginning January 2021, all 23 California State University (CSU) campuses will continue with coursework primarily delivered virtually, CSU Chancellor Timothy P. White announced in a message to the university community today.

“After extensive consultation with campus presidents and other stakeholders, and careful consideration of a multitude of factors – regarding the pandemic and its consequences, as well as other matters impacting the university and its operations – I am announcing that the CSU will continue with this primarily virtual instructional approach for the academic term that begins in January 2021, and also will continue with reduced populations in campus housing,” said White. “This decision is the only responsible one available to us at this time. And it is the only one that supports our twin North Stars of safeguarding the health, safety and well-being of our faculty, staff, students and communities, as well as enabling degree progression for the largest number of students.

The desire to give students and their families appropriate time to plan, the need to publish and promote course offerings in campus academic plans, and accreditation requirements for courses delivered virtually were cited by White as three primary reasons for the timing for the announcement.

In the coming weeks, campuses will publish their lists of course offerings allowing students to select courses and then campuses can appropriately allocate resources to meet student demand.

Additionally, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission, the accrediting body for all CSU campuses, requires each campus to seek authorization for courses currently approved for on-site instruction to be offered in distance learning modalities. In order to meet this requirement, campuses will need to commit to their January academic schedules in September and October. The requirement was temporarily waived by the Department of Education for fall 2020; however, the waiver will expire at the end of December and will not be renewed.

All CSU campuses crafted detailed plans to address repopulation for the fall term and will continue to follow the protocols established in these plans for the academic terms beginning in January 2021. This will allow the flexibility to potentially offer additional in-person coursework should the situation in the campus’ respective region warrant that or, conversely, to further

limit such offerings as needed. Campus plans vary depending on factors such student enrollment, programmatic offerings and facilities and comport with local, state and federal guidance.

Campuses will develop and communicate their commencement plans during the course of the academic term beginning in January.

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Iridian Casarez

Iridian Casarez was a staff writer at the North Coast Journal from 2019-2023.

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