Sunday, June 14, 2020

Body of Missing Kayaker Recovered

Posted By on Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 11:33 AM

Nick Brunner
  • Nick Brunner
The body of missing 19-year-old kayaker Nick Brunner was recovered this morning, according to a friend of the family.

Jae Wood, a family friend who has been helping with search efforts, posted on the Humboldt County on Alert Facebook page about 10:50 this morning,

"It is with a sad but grateful heart I can say we found Nick. The dive team this morning (worked) diligently with the family to locate him.

I cannot express our appreciation to our community, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, Coast Guard, State Parks, Kayak Trinidad, dive teams and everyone else I am forgetting for helping us bring Nick home. Though it is not the outcome we had wished."

Brunner went missing Friday and has been the subject of intense search.

Our hearts go out to his family and friends.
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Kym Kemp

Kym Kemp is the editor and publisher of the news website Redheaded Blackbelt at

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